Monday, December 1, 2008

Dealing with cold heats up issue of waste

In addition to teaching at Nankai University, I write a bi-weekly column for the Sun-Times News Group newspaper, The Post-Tribune. My old staff at the Post has been terrible at putting these columns online; however, this week they did. Here's a taste.

For the month of October and half of November, I taught while wearing my coat, scarf, gloves and later, my hat.

When I attended Chinese classes, as I do four days a week for three hours a day, I’d wear long underwear under my pants and try to write traditional Chinese characters while wearing mittens.

owards the end of the month, my teacher, Liu Xiao Qian, thought it appropriate to teach me to say, "I urgently need to buy warm clothes" (Xian zai wo yao mai hou de yifu) and "I am cold to death," (Wo leng si le).

The reason I risked frostbite in my classrooms and ‘da de feng’ or big wind in the hallways was because there was no heat until Nov. 15.

read the rest of this article here

1 comment:

chelsea m. said...

I hope you are not 'cold to death' anymore! It sounds like a real college, though, by not turning on the heat until a specific date, even though its negative bajillion degrees out!