Monday, August 18, 2008

Liu Xiang drops out of race

Liu Xiang, current world record holder for the 100m men's hurdles and national Chinese hero, dropped out of the 100m men's hurdles before the start of the first heat.  

According to an article in the Guardian, Liu did not leave the starting block when the gun sounded for the first heat. The other runners were recalled for a false start, at which point, Liu grabbed his leg and headed off the track.

Read more:

1 comment:

Austin-92 said...

You remind me of that very noon.I was longing for his appearance and finally I saw his giving up.I thought he would show up the next race.I felt depressed all that day.But well,I can understand what Liu Xiang felt.Sorry to see that many chinese reprimand him on Internet.Anyway,he is still our hero