Friday, September 26, 2008

The Tianjin Variety Show!

When it comes to the fantasy world of television and movie production, it's reassuring to find out China is the same as Hollyweird.

I attended the filming of the Tianjin version of American Idol Thursday, except this is a misnomer because any Western concept introduced in China quickly loses its recognizable traits. Instead of the sexually ambiguous Clay Aiken singing sensitive pop music, it was a sexually ambiguous man dressed in traditional Peking opera costume with full face paint singing the cherry blossom love song of a young woman in Springtime. The winner wasn't an American girl singing music from the heartland, she was a Chinese girl (age 7) singing Peking opera from the dynastic court. 

The show also featured a co-ed dance troupe of 50 to 52-year-olds and a young man singing the typical Chinese pop cheese. I'd love to tell the story, but the photos and video really do it for me. Visit to see more photos of the show.

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